Veena Mist Weaver. He brings the Wood wherever he roams.

Veena Mist Weaver. He brings the Wood wherever he roams.


Forest NameArda Copihwesfv
Given NameMerhdad
ProfessionMist Weaver
Marital Statusunmarried


Hailing from the Skatay, Arda lived the traditional life of a Wood Warden. He happily defended the Wood for more than 100 years. When the Garlean civil war sent refugees into their mountains, Arda silently observed them for a long time. When his village decided to take them in, his curiosity grew at these outsiders allowed to break generations of isolation. The mountain must have loathed the violence they faced and so he chose exile to follow the will of the mountain, he would leave and meet punishment on those who chased these refugees into the Wood.

Recent History

The most recent civil war in the Garlean Empire saw legions clashing against one another in the Skatay. For many years, the Wardens were able to keep Garleans from penetrating the Wood, but the desperation of this conflict saw the Veena harder and harder pressed. Arda's village was one of those that broke generations of isolation to shelter refugees from the war. Arda decided to bring the punishment of Skatay down to those who would meet such violence on these refugees.Outside the Wood, the Green Word would be considered broken. He could never return to that traditional life. He knew this was a punishment that a Warden could never return from. However, it was worth the price. Not in his lifetime or the lifetime of the Wardens before him, had his sisters been lead to break the isolation of the Wood. These villains needed to know justice for causing them to end it.Upon arriving at a distant town at the foot of the mountains, he witnessed a patrol surrounding a group of wanderers in very foreign dress. A dancing troupe from Thavinair that had been providing succor and entertainment to the victims of war were accused of being spies and set upon by Garleans. Arda's justice was swift, calling fire and lightning down from the sky on the unsuspecting Garleans.Arda spent some time learning why this troupe was so far from home and was so touched by their generosity, he allowed the leader of the troupe to give his name Mehrdad. Once the dance troupe moved through the desolate regions to a nearby port city, they stopped in Kugane, where they gave Mehrdad pay for escorting them along their journey.These funds were used to secure Mehrdad's passage to Eorzea, where he learned many other exiles had gone. Having temporarily sated his need to punish the Garleans on the patrol harassing those dancers, he was more curious about kin and the people his village had taken in as refugees. Eorzea would be a good place to entertain that curiosity.

Veena Mist Weaver. He brings the Wood wherever he roams.

Player FAQ

Player is 18+
Para or Mirror Style RP
Lore Friendly - Mature/ Slice of Life
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